Click on the corresponding date to download the Sermon Guide for our Current Series. These resources are designed to accompany the weekly sermon. Previous available sermon guides can be found by clicking resources under the sermon audio on the Messages page Our online services are delayed one week, so check the week prior.

  •  Sermon Guide

    April 14, 2024: Hebrews 11:8-16

    • What does it mean to have faith, according to Hebrews 11:8-16?
    • In the story about Abraham, why do you think he struggled to trust God's promises? Can you think of a time when it was hard for you to trust someone or something?
    • Why do you think it's important for us to focus on the promises of God instead of just what we can see right now? How can faith help us do that?
    • Abraham and Sarah had to wait a long time for God's promises to come true. Why do you think patience is important in our relationship with God?
    • How can we show faith in our daily lives, even when things are difficult or we don't understand what's happening?
    • Even though Abraham didn't see the promised land right away, why do you think he still believed God's promise?
    • What are some promises of God that we can trust in today?
    • What are some ways we can live by faith, like Abraham and Sarah did?

    Reflect & Celebrate:

    • How did these truths impact your understanding of God's character? 
    • What has God pointed out to you about your life? 
    • What are you most thankful for right this minute?

  •  Sermon Guide

    April 21, 2024: Hebrews 11:17-22

    • What do you think was going through Abraham's mind when God asked him to sacrifice Isaac?
    • Why do you think Abraham was willing to obey God, even when it meant sacrificing his son Isaac?
    • When have you faced a situation where you had to choose between obeying God and doing what you wanted? How did you decide what to do?
    • Why do you think Joseph was able to have hope even when he faced difficult situations in Egypt?
    • How do you think the faith of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph influenced the next generations of their families?

    Reflect & Celebrate:

    • How did these truths impact your understanding of God's character? 
    • What has God pointed out to you about your life? 
    • What are you most thankful for right this minute?

  •  Sermon Guide

    April 28, 2024: Hebrews 11:13-29

    • Why do you think Moses' parents chose to hide him instead of obeying Pharaoh's command to throw him into the Nile?
    • How do you think Moses' parents felt when they placed him in the basket and set him adrift in the river?
    • Why do you think Moses chose to align himself with the Israelites even though it meant facing mistreatment and leaving behind the wealth and comfort of Egypt?
    • What do you think it means to consider the reproach of Jesus greater than the treasures of Egypt?
    • How do you think Moses felt when he stood before Pharaoh multiple times, demanding the release of the Israelites?
    • Why do you think the Israelites followed Moses' instructions for the Passover, even though they might not have fully understood the significance at the time?
    • Put yourself in the shoes of the Israelites standing between the Red Sea and the approaching Egyptian army. How do you think you would have felt, and what would you have done?

    Reflect & Celebrate:

    • How did these truths impact your understanding of God's character? 
    • What has God pointed out to you about your life? 
    • What are you most thankful for right this minute?

  •  Sermon Guide

    May 5, 2024: Hebrews 11:30-31

    • Imagine you are one of the Israelites standing outside the walls of Jericho. How would you feel knowing that the city was heavily fortified and filled with soldiers
    • Joshua encountered a mysterious warrior outside the walls of Jericho. What do you think it means that the warrior said he was neither for Joshua nor his enemies, but the commander of the Lord's army?
    • Why do you think God gave Joshua such an unusual battle plan for conquering Jericho? Do you think it was easy for the Israelites to trust and obey this plan?
    • The battle plan involved marching around Jericho's walls for seven days without speaking. Why do you think God asked them to do this, and how do you think the Israelites felt during this time?
    • Why do you think Rahab's faith was highlighted in the Bible, even though she had a sinful past?
    • How does Rahab's story show us that God's grace is greater than our past mistakes? What can we learn from Rahab's example about God's forgiveness and the power of faith??

    Reflect & Celebrate:

    • How did these truths impact your understanding of God's character? 
    • What has God pointed out to you about your life? 
    • What are you most thankful for right this minute?

  •  Sermon Guide

    May 12, 2024: Hebrews 11:32-40

    Consider our definitions of faith from this series:

    11:1-2Faith is the way you live when you have a confidence in who holds the future

    11:3 Faith is the way you live when you remember what God has done

    11:4-7 Faith is living like what God has said and promised is true no matter what

    11:8-16Faith doesn’t settle for the now when it’s been promised a better later

    11:17-22Faith doesn't mean you agree with everything God is doing but it means you live like He knows what He’s doing

    11:23-29Faith lives like God is beside you all the time

    11:30-31Faith is living like God can overcome any obstacle that seems to be in His way.

    • Which definition of faith is most applicable to your life today? How?
    • Why do you think it's important to remember that having faith doesn't always mean everything will be easy or go the way we expect?
    • How can we encourage each other to keep trusting God, even when things are hard or don't go the way we want them to?
    • How does knowing that our ultimate promise is Jesus help you navigate different circumstances in your life?

    Reflect & Celebrate:

    • How did these truths impact your understanding of God's character? 
    • What has God pointed out to you about your life? 
    • What are you most thankful for right this minute?